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Robert Hilliker was born in the southern Lower Peninsula of Michigan, in the late 1920’s, just before the Great Depression of 1929 and the 1930’s. As a young boy, the tales of Daniel Boone, Jim Bowie, and the stories of the Mountain Men who roamed the great Rocky Mountains in search of beaver struck a…;
My Life In The Wilderness: An Alaskan’s StoryPrice: $19.99 Free Shipping
Robert Hilliker was born in the southern Lower Peninsula of Michigan, in the late 1920’s, just before the Great Depression of 1929 and the 1930’s. As a young boy, the tales of Daniel Boone, Jim Bowie, and the stories of the Mountain Men who roamed the great Rocky Mountains in search of beaver struck a chord deep down inside that he could neither understand nor explain. They did, however, produce in him a strong desire to experience such a life for himself. In the following years, almost every decision he made was in accordance with an “inner compass” which pointed steadily to the Northwest. “To go into the wilderness, build a strong and warm log cabin with my own two hands, and hunt for my food. Trap fur bearing animals to sell to the fur buyers for money to buy the things I couldn’t produce myself, get my water from the creek, cut the firewood I would need to cook my food and to keep me warm through the long cold winters of the ‘North Country,’ could I do something like that?” This is his story.