Resources[07-Various]Sustainable Lifestyle Design: How to Not Screw Earth Over in Your Conquest to Live RichBarakah Farm StaffAugust 28, 2020November 30, 2018 by Barakah Farm StaffAugust 28, 2020November 30, 20180484 Do you struggle with feeling like you have lost control over the direction of your life? That what you do accounts for nothing? You've worked...
Resources[07-Various]Southern Bounty: How to Grow and Enjoy Southeastern Native Fruits and NutsBarakah Farm StaffAugust 22, 2020November 30, 2018 by Barakah Farm StaffAugust 22, 2020November 30, 20180740 "[We] commend this book to all lovers of native plants." - The Blazing Star, the newsletter of the North American Native Plant Society, Summer 2014Southern...
Resources[07-Various]Holzer’s Permaculture Now! – Desert or Paradise? Starring Sepp HolzerBarakah Farm StaffAugust 18, 2020November 30, 2018 by Barakah Farm StaffAugust 18, 2020November 30, 20180583 Movie Documentary about Sepp Holzer's worldwide work...