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Barakah Heritage Farm

An Advanced Permaculture Online Course in the Works with a Dream Team of Teachers!! — The Permaculture Student

Have you ever wished there was a professional career path for Permaculture, not just gardening or farming, but as in all regenerative work?

Me too! As a high school teacher who’s job it was to prepare young adults for their careers, I was always searching for better options for my students. When I took my Geoff Lawton Online PDC in 2014 I realized that there was nothing designed for K-12 – I was appalled!

How’s anyone supposed to make a living at this? 

How were we supposed to change the world with this incredible, amazing, life-changing information if we couldn’t turn it into livelihoods, so I wrote and Kickstarted The Permaculture Student 1 for middle schoolers and then The Permaculture Student 2 for high school and college students to show the world what is really possible today with permaculture. It also updated and expanded what most people knew to be Permaculture – it goes beyond gardening and food forestry and includes alternative energy, mycology, holistic management, Keyline design, and much much more. It’s the only peer-reviewed, edited and approved Permaculture textbook currently available – it took over 20 experts and two years of study and 1:1 work with them to make this possible. These experts have greened deserts, holistically managed giant herds, grown tons of soil per acre per year, made professional-level mycology accessible to the home cultivator or start up mushroom farm, trained professional landscapers in permaculture, redefined soil science and composting as we know it, started their own and fostered the develop of several meaderies, converted organic orchards to permaculture, discovered that mealworms eat styrofoam before Stanford published on it, started one of the largest permaculture farms in America, and more! These are people you know and love: Dr. Elaine Ingham of the Soil Food Web, Peter McCoy of Radical Mycology, Neal Spackman of the Al Baydha Project, Erik Ohlsen of the Permaculture Skills Center, Stefan Sobkowiak of The Permaculture Orchard, Joel Salatin of Polyface farms, Troy Martz of OffGridPro, Grant Schultz of Versaland, & more. These books are being used in schools, orphanages, permaculture programs, and humanitarian aid in diverse locations on all continents but Antartica. They’ve been translated into Spanish, Polish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Arabic, and I’ve built online courses around the books with hundreds of students and dozens of school districts, but none of the courses are as advanced as The Permaculture Student 2 because it was created with this amazing team. The future of education is online and video-based. Schools and Colleges want videos, textbooks, workbooks, and an instructor’s guide, so that’s why this September with an amazing expanded team, we are running a crowdfunding campaign via Kickstarter for the Advanced Permaculture Student Online – an Adv PDC program that will show you all the possibilities for permaculture inside and outside the garden – in Permatecture, Alternative Energy, Fungi, Urban Permaculture, Aquaculture, Ocean Permaculture, Invisible Structures: Commerce, Community, & Governance. Learn how to use natural patterns in all aspects of your life – see how you can make it a career by learning from those who are making money doing it right now. Get your Advanced Certification. Learn where you fit in the Permaculture Spectrum of Regenerative Solutions – Natural farming? Biointensive? Alternative transportation? Wetland rewilding? Herbal Medicine? There’s no box to contain you, only places for you pursue your passion and help the future of all biodiversity at the same time.

The Advanced Permaculture Student Online is a Collection of Regenerative Solutions & Career Paths for high achieving high schoolers, college students, and adults looking to quit their jobs and start on something meaningful that helps the environment, is profitable, proven, and helps their community.

This is the ONLY Advanced Permaculture Certification course based on a current, up-to-date advanced textbook and taught by experienced professionals from diverse regenerative career paths. 

It’s the ONLY advanced permaculture course blending disciplines outside the garden and farm scope of permaculture design and into a broader application of permaculture into everyday life, business, architecture, and governance. 

so STAY TUNED, Subscribe to our Mailing List – it’s ONLY available through our Kickstarter Campaign which will start Sept 4th, so make sure you are on our mailing list, LIKE our facebook, subscribe to our youtube, or wherever you are in the world find me and join us in ushering in the next step in permaculture education: The Advanced Permaculture Student Online.


On – 26 Aug, 2017 By Matt Powers

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