Barakah Heritage Farm
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New to traveling distant lands, Déva writes about his journey around the globe. As a conscious lyricist, yoga teacher and permaculture designer, he explores his outer limits while expanding his inner world. Déva ventures out to perform at festivals, host yoga retreats, teach permaculture workshops, and visit ecovillages. What he discovers will enlighten that discovery…;

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New to traveling distant lands, Déva writes about his journey around the globe. As a conscious lyricist, yoga teacher and permaculture designer, he explores his outer limits while expanding his inner world. Déva ventures out to perform at festivals, host yoga retreats, teach permaculture workshops, and visit ecovillages. What he discovers will enlighten that discovery in you. Peek inside the mind of a young, vivacious spiritual warrior. He shares his bold truth and envisions a new earth. The journey begins in Japan and expands through five continents: Asia, Australia, Europe, and the Americas. Experience the passion, pain, pleasure and poetry of Déva Presence inscribed and in song. Excerpt from the intro: New Age books about setting intentions and putting them into action, revealed themselves as sources of inspiration. The inspiration guided me to facilitate book circles, become a yoga teacher, and move to an urban farm in Miami to teach others and myself permaculture. I began to break away from the warm south, and wanderlust to different parts of the Americas – in search of communities, land, and love. The intention was to sow the seeds for my highest creation: to build a greater community where we could reap the rewards of living in abundance with like-minded human beings. It is a vision where all participants would be channeling their efforts toward the same goal: living in harmony. What I found were thousands of seeds, sprouting all around this western hemisphere, already working towards that vision. They were growing to help reconnect our fallen forest of humanity. Most of my travel was beautifully blessed with hook-ups on rides, food, staying in people’s homes and developing divine connections. I relied heavily on the Universe to manifest exactly what I needed to make my dreams a reality. A good example happened upon return from my first six-month trip. I was preparing to teach a PDC and my bank account showed an abundant wealth of negative three hundred dollars. Regardless, I was still making plans for the following year’s trip. In that moment, I was filled with gratitude for the power of divine manifestation in the face of adversity. My world journey was destined to happen, no matter what obstacles presumed to exist. I reaped the fruits of intentionally planted seeds and, as you will read, watched myself grow through hardships and happiness. The courage to get out and explore the world has moved me across continents by train, plane, and automobile. It brought me to overcome the various inhibitions limiting my mind, in turn expanding my consciousness through the unexpected experiences that arose. Performing at festivals was also a sought out affair. The momentary weekend collections, of living in artful dream worlds, showered my passionate perspective of what this life could be like. Having so many opportunities to express myself musically in front of large, lively crowds fueled me to create a music album. The writings in this book are inspired and infused with the lyrics. I love to express myself through song and poetically portray what I perceive. It is with this foundation that this Memoir evolved. In the pages that follow, you will find many deep personal insights about the meaning of life, Tantra, and my connection to nature, people and the earth. All of these are matters for consideration when developing a permanent, sustainable future. It is a delight to have you join me on this journey. Together we will experience the world at large with the influence of a permaculture and spiritual perspective. My wish for you is to reap insights from these writings and sow the seeds you choose to grow in your future.

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