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My favorite YouTube channels

YouTube is awesome, I swear it’s the modern day library. You can learn so much for free by watching videos. I decided it was time to share my favorite YouTube channels about homesteading, farming and permaculture!

Justin Rhodes – I first heard about Justin Rhodes when a friend send me the link to his movie Permaculture Chickens. I was hooked ever since. The Rhodes family posts videos daily. Right now they are on the Great American Farm tour, visiting homesteaders, farmers and backyard growers all over the States. If you like what you see make sure you check out the Abundant Permaculture membership area for even more great resources!

Suggested videos:

Lumnah Acres:  a guide to Modern Homesteading, Self-Sufficiency, and FREEDOM – Al Lumnah also posts videos daily. I really like the style of these videos, Al shows us the day to day of homesteading. You can tell from his videos that he is really passionate about what he is doing. He is so excited about growing his own food, that he makes you excited by just telling you about it!

Suggested videos:

Diego Footer (Permaculture Voices) – Anybody interested in permaculture has probably heard of Diego Footer. I actually first found his podcast before I found his YouTube channel. His YouTube channel is a great “no nonsense” channel in which he shares either his own experiences and other farmer’s experiences.

Suggested videos:

John Suscovich (Farm Marketing Solutions) – This channel offers great resources for people who want to turn their homestead or small farm into a business. John Suscovich shared his experience on the day to day at the farm as well as how he markets his farm products. What I really like about this channel is that he uses actual numbers to show if a product is making money or how he goes about marketing his products. He is great at letting you know what worked for him and what didn’t work. If you are looking to turn your homestead into a business, this channel is the place to be.

Suggested videos:

Richard Perkins – Making small farms work: Richard Perkins runs a profitable permaculture farm (Ridgedale Permaculture) in Sweden. Richard has a lot of experience in permaculture and vlogs about farm scale permaculture design and the processes on his permaculture farm. Richard is very experienced and a great teacher, anyone interested in farm scale permaculture can learn a lot from this channel.

Suggested videos:

Do you have any favorite YouTube channels about homesteading, farming or permaculture? Let me know, I am always looking for new resources!

On – 25 Aug, 2017 By Christianne

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