Annual GardeningGarden & Planting Projects[04-Plants]Violet Queen #potatoes #harvest #purple #violetqueen #purplepotatoesBarakah Farm StaffJanuary 17, 2018 by Barakah Farm StaffJanuary 17, 20180835 ?Violet Queen? #potatoes #harvest #purple #violetqueen #purplepotatoes...
Annual Gardening[04-Plants]We harvested the rest of the potatoes today. I think we have enough to…Barakah Farm StaffNovember 24, 2017 by Barakah Farm StaffNovember 24, 20170543 We harvested the rest of the potatoes today. I think we have enough to last the year. Last summer we grew way too much potatoes,...
[04-Plants]The Easy Way to Grow Loads of Potatoes: In a Trash CanBarakah Farm StaffDecember 10, 2016 by Barakah Farm StaffDecember 10, 20160846 Potatoes are one excellent staple crop to grow in the home garden, but isn’t there a lot of digging and back pain involved? Not necessarily!...