One of my earliest memories of visiting my grandparents’ farm was playing on the dry stone wall, tossing stones around and just generally fooling around....
Buyers of the town of Tiller, Oregon have plans to turn it into a campus with a focus on teaching permaculture. (Photo: Tiller, Oregon,...
The term permaculture is being passed around fairly frequently in agricultural circles these days. To make a complex idea quite simple, when it comes to...
Tributes are flowing from around the world for the Tasmanian man who co-founded the global permaculture movement. Bruce Charles “Bill” Mollison — known as...
There is no set formula for developing this type of permaculture garden design, but there are some permaculture best practices: 1. Copy nature’s blueprint and...
Origins of no dig cultivation methods are not completely clear, but the benefits of having healthy soil, bountiful crops with minimal work is clear! Managing...
The land undulates upwards into gentle hills, cradling nooks of fertile terraces growing sweetcorn, sunflowers and tomatoes, before rolling down into tranquil lakes. It looks...