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Barakah Heritage Farm
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Some things to think about when you want to learn how to make money homesteading are how much time and effort has to be put into it, and if you will need business license, permits, and other legal requirements.

Make money homesteading. Don't miss out on these 36 ways to make money homesteading. If you're living on 1 income, or if want to leave the rat race, this list can give you some great ideas to get started. | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | http://homesteadwishing.com/how-to-make-money-homesteading/ | make-money-homesteading | make money homesteading

How to Make Money Homesteading:

Make sure to research your local laws to see what permits or other legal requirements you will need.

High Effort and/or A lot of Time Involved

  1. Sell produce – Local grocery stores might want to buy your produce, or you could sell it at a local farmer’s market.Make money homesteading. Don't miss out on these 36 ways to make money homesteading. If you're living on 1 income, or if want to leave the rat race, this list can give you some great ideas to get started. | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | http://homesteadwishing.com/how-to-make-money-homesteading/ | make-money-homesteading | make money homesteading
  2. Sell seeds – Are you a master at gathering seeds from the plants you have planted? You might do well, selling them to locals in your area!
  3. Sell livestock – Just not on Facebook, they made it against their rules. Arg!Make money homesteading. Don't miss out on these 36 ways to make money homesteading. If you're living on 1 income, or if want to leave the rat race, this list can give you some great ideas to get started. | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | http://homesteadwishing.com/how-to-make-money-homesteading/ | make-money-homesteading | make money homesteading
  4. Sell milk – This could be timely depending on your setup and amount of animals you have.
  5. Cheese – Who doesn’t love homemade cheese? It’s so good, I’m not sure there would be any leftovers to sell.Make money homesteading. Don't miss out on these 36 ways to make money homesteading. If you're living on 1 income, or if want to leave the rat race, this list can give you some great ideas to get started. | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | http://homesteadwishing.com/how-to-make-money-homesteading/ | make-money-homesteading | make money homesteading
  6. Grow herbs to sell – Herb gardening is one of my favorite things about gardening and cooking! They are super easy to grow, and give abundantly!
  7. Sell home-canned food items. Depending on where you live, there can be some laws and hoops to jump through to sell food made in your kitchen.
  8. Make and sell dehydrated food.  Check out my post about dehydrating bell peppers.
  9. Homemade crafty items or tools. Like these cool rope baskets.
  10. Third party supplies like essential oils, makeup, or other similar sales jobs.
  11. Blogging – Let me tell you first hand… Not everyone makes a ton of money blogging. In fact, there are many of us struggling to pay one bill a month with our blogs/website. When you start a blog or website, think of it as starting a business. To start a business, you need money! No kidding right? If you are serious and want to turn it into a full job, you have to treat it like one. Social media platforms don’t build themselves, and neither do blog posts! It can be a lot of hard work.
  12. Maple syrup, I’ve never done this but I have read up on it and it sounds time consuming especially if you were going to make a whole bunch to make and sell.
  13. Dog sit or dog walking – Find some people who work during the day who would love for you to watch their pups for them, or take them for walks.Make money homesteading. Don't miss out on these 36 ways to make money homesteading. If you're living on 1 income, or if want to leave the rat race, this list can give you some great ideas to get started. | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | http://homesteadwishing.com/how-to-make-money-homesteading/ | make-money-homesteading | make money homesteading
  14. Human sit – Watch children, elderly, or disabled people and get paid for it.
  15. Sell wool/fiber – If you have sheep or alpacas.
  16. Make yarn – from your wool or other fibers and make yarn to sell. I’ve bought a lot of yarn. My favorites come from local farm that spun and dyed their own yarn!
  17. Sell trees. My friend sells Moringa. In fact I know a couple people who sell it. You can sell the seeds, the leaves, a powder you make of this amazing plant, seedlings, and trees themselves. Moringa is a great seller because it grows super fast, and it’s something that people want to buy. Learn more about Moringa… You could also have a tree farm, or sell the existing trees on your property if you have some that are worth selling. If you have a lot of trees and you are thinking about selling them, check out this article to get some ideas on how to go about doing just that.
  18. Bed & Breakfast – If you have an extra room, or housing on your property you could turn it into a profit. Let people get the real homesteading experience.
  19. Sell firewood to make money homesteading.
  20. U-Pick farm – I actually have a friend who does this!
  21. Birthday parties are a lot of fun if you have ponies the kids can ride, and you can also set up a petting zoo. My friend does this and she lets people pet bunnies, chickens, goats, and more. It’s so fun too.Make money homesteading. Don't miss out on these 36 ways to make money homesteading. If you're living on 1 income, or if want to leave the rat race, this list can give you some great ideas to get started. | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | http://homesteadwishing.com/how-to-make-money-homesteading/ | make-money-homesteading | make money homesteading
  22. Hold seasonal festivals at your farm. Ask for an entrance fee. Fall festivals at farms are really big here. Ideas would be corn bathing, corn maze, pumpkin patch where they an buy a pumpkin. Extra items I have seen were bouncy houses, playground equipment etc… One guy’s farm I visited last fall did a pumpkin trebuchet throwing. A trebuchet is like a catapult, but it has a sling instead of a bucket or basket. I believe that is how he explained it.
  23. Sell your photos. If you are exceptional at taking photos you might try selling them! Check out this post, to see how and where to sell photos online.
  24. Teach classes – Ideas; blogging classes, income/financial classes, crafts or tool making classes, just to name a few.
  25. Write a book – Do you have a skill that you could write about, such as gardening, or raising chickens? Write a book about it to make some passive income.
  26. Teach homesteading classes – Teach a class on things such as; (aff link) gardening, raising chickens. fermenting, canning, dehydrating, cheese making, knitting, crochet, going solar, etc…
  27. Stud services – You can offer stud services of say a goat to people who don’t keep a buck.
  28. Sell honey – The bees do most of the work, but it does take some time. Plus, there is a some preparations, and work involved maintaining  a hive, collecting honey, and selling it.Make money homesteading. Don't miss out on these 36 ways to make money homesteading. If you're living on 1 income, or if want to leave the rat race, this list can give you some great ideas to get started. | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | http://homesteadwishing.com/how-to-make-money-homesteading/ | make-money-homesteading | make money homesteading
  29. Homemade soap – It seems like everyone is trying this these days. If you have a special soap, or a great soap recipe you think people will love, go for it!
  30. Homemade herbal products; moisturizer, lotions, salves, bug spray etc…

    Low Effort/Time Ways to Make Money Homesteading

  31. Dried herbs – They take a lot of time drying but it doesn’t usually consume too much of your time, the machine does most of the work, or the air for air drying.
  32. Sell eggs for eating– The chickens do most of the work!Make money homesteading. Don't miss out on these 36 ways to make money homesteading. If you're living on 1 income, or if want to leave the rat race, this list can give you some great ideas to get started. | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | http://homesteadwishing.com/how-to-make-money-homesteading/ | make-money-homesteading | make money homesteading
  33. Sell eggs for hatching – If you have fertilized eggs, people might be interested in buying them from you.
  34. Sell worms – Try selling them for composting or as bait.
  35. Lease part of your land – A neighbor might could use an extra plot to plant his corn or whatever.
  36. Conduct farm tours – This can take as much time as you like. A friend of mine does farm tours only a couple days a week and he charges around $10 per person.

 Share this on Pinterest!Make money homesteading. Don't miss out on these 36 ways to make money homesteading. If you're living on 1 income, or if want to leave the rat race, this list can give you some great ideas to get started. | Homestead Wishing, Author Kristi Wheeler | http://homesteadwishing.com/how-to-make-money-homesteading/ | make-money-homesteading |

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On – 04 Sep, 2017 By Kristi

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