Barakah Heritage Farm
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Watching my boys play “Octopus course” through the veggie patch, while I plant out…

Watching my boys play “Octopus course” through the veggie patch, while I plant out Corn and Zucchinis. Oh daylight savings I could kiss you……longer days and finally some sunshine, how I have longed for days like these! It really feels like Spring in the garden; white Rocket flowers are now dancing high above the other salad crops like dainty butterflies, the branches of the apple trees are finally being graced by the softest pale pink blossoms. The bramble berries are covered in flower buds and have me checking them almost constantly waiting to see the first one open. Bees are softly humming from flower to flower, white cabbage butterflies have appeared almost overnight and are flying around me everywhere as I wander picking and eating peas as I go. Baby fruit now line the branches of the apricots, plums, necterines and peaches and also the currents. The late comers to the blossom party are the cherries whos perfect white flowers are only just beginning to open, hidden underneath their canopies the jostaberries and gooseberries are on the same time line with their tiny hidden flowers. The early hops have almost hit the roof of the house (easily 3m high) and the other varieties are all up out of the ground so won’t be far behind them. The late planted daffodils are still shining brightly and now so are some of the richer colours which I love even more like the pinks, blues and purples; Stock, Sage, Freesias, Jupiter’s Beard, Forget Me Nots and Spanish Bluebells are grabbing my eye in every corner of the garden. The greenhouse is bursting at the seams with summer vegetables and flowers waiting to be planted out…..every second spent doing backbreaking work in the freezing winter rain……totally worth it!

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