Barakah Heritage Farm
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This entry is part [part not set] of 9 in the series Best Food Storage Books

“The bible of home canning, preserving, freezing, and drying.”—The New York Times For decades, Putting Food By has been the one-stop source for everything the home cook needs to know about preserving foods—from fruits and vegetables to meat and seafood. Now, this classic is fully up-to-date with the twenty-first-century kitchen. Whether you’re preserving to save money…;

“The bible of home canning, preserving, freezing, and drying.”—The New York Times
For decades, Putting Food By has been the one-stop source for everything the home cook needs to know about preserving foods—from fruits and vegetables to meat and seafood. Now, this classic is fully up-to-date with the twenty-first-century kitchen. Whether you’re preserving to save money or to capture the taste of local, seasonal food at its peak, Putting Food By shares step-by-step directions to help you do it safely and deliciously.
This fifth edition of Putting Food By includes:
·         Instructions for canning, freezing, salting, smoking, drying, and root cellaring
·         Mouthwatering recipes for pickles, relishes, jams, and jellies
·         Information on preserving with less sugar and salt
·         Tips on equipment, ingredients, health and safety issues, and resources

Putting Food By

Full Customer Reviews:

Series NavigationPreserving Food without Freezing or Canning: Traditional Techniques Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold Storage, and Lactic Fermentation >>

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