Barakah Heritage Farm
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This entry is part [part not set] of 7 in the series Best Suburban Growing Books

This succinct handbook is packed with practical information that will inspire and enable those who want to grow their own food and venture down the path of food independence. From choosing and starting seeds to preserving the harvest, cost effective and time-saving projects are set forth in detail. Instructions for making DIY planters and irrigation…;

This succinct handbook is packed with practical information that will inspire and enable those who want to grow their own food and venture down the path of food independence. From choosing and starting seeds to preserving the harvest, cost effective and time-saving projects are set forth in detail. Instructions for making DIY planters and irrigation systems, designs for upcycling old furniture into gardening stations, recipes for homemade organic plant sprays, charts listing dollars-and-cents breakdowns of homegrown versus store-bought produce, and growing guides for fruits or vegetables are just a few of the projects that will inspire neophyte and experienced gardeners to dig deep into sustainable living.

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Series NavigationThe New American Homestead: Sustainable, Self-Sufficient Living in the Country or in the City >>The Permaculture Transition Manual: A Comprehensive Guide to Resilient Living >>

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