Barakah Heritage Farm
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Annual Gardening[04-Plants]

Fermenting 3 cornered garlic – our favourite Spring weed. The plan is to make…

Fermenting 3 cornered garlic – our favourite Spring weed. The plan is to make a garlicky paste for the times when onion and garlic are scarce, a paste which is also chock-full of probiotic goodness.

Basically we gathered, washed, chopped and blended the leaves, adding a bit of 2% brine to aid the blending, and then added another two teaspoons of salt for good measure.

Now the whole brew is sitting on our bookshelf where it will ferment at room temperature for a week or two until it’s sour and fabulous. Then it will go into the fridge to halt fermentation and get used as needed. That’s the plan, anyway. Based on previous experiments we’re pretty sure it will be great.

Viva la lactofermentation! #permacultureskills #wildfermentation #eattheweeds

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