Wood HeatResources[03-Energy][07-Various]From the Wood-Fired Oven: New and Traditional Techniques for Cooking and Baking with FireBarakah Farm StaffSeptember 13, 2018 by Barakah Farm StaffSeptember 13, 20180632 In the past twenty years, interest in wood-fired ovens has increased dramatically in the United States and abroad, but most books focus on how to...
Wood HeatResources[03-Energy][07-Various]The Rocket Mass Heater Builder’s Guide: Complete Step-by-Step Construction, Maintenance and TroubleshootingBarakah Farm StaffDecember 7, 2017 by Barakah Farm StaffDecember 7, 20170674 Heating with wood is often considered a natural and economical alternative to electricity or fossil fuels. However, even with a fairly new and efficient woodstove,...
Wood Heat[03-Energy][06-Systems]Taking a Pass on Gas – Wood Preferred | Two Ice FloesBarakah Farm StaffNovember 2, 2017 by Barakah Farm StaffNovember 2, 20170735 Taking a Pass on Gas – Wood Preferred By High Desert Homesteading We recently bought a 22 year old house that had a massive...