Barakah Heritage Farm

How to Start a Permaculture Orchard | Organic Miracle Farms | Layout, Deign, Profit and More…

Starting a Permaculture Orchard can involve somewhat of a learning curve. Visiting an organic permaculture designed and built by biologist Stefan Sobkowiak gave us a perfect opportunity to learn some tricks of the trade, ask some in depth question about his success and share them with those who are interested in learning about organic farming and permaculture design.


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During our visit to the beautiful and fruitful Miracle Farms permaculture orchard, Stefan talked about fruit tree orchard layout, apple orchard profit per acre, permachuture orchard layout and design, starting an orchard for profit or for your backyard use and much more. We are in the process of breaking his talks into digestible and understandable videos; each will be published shortly.

Resources related to this video:

Permaculture Orchard DVD –
The Holistic Orchard –
Introduction to Permaculture –
Guide To Small Scale Permaculture –
Miracle Farms Website:

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Other Inquires:

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On – 20 Sep, 2017 By Eco Organica

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