[02-Shelter]What to consider when building an off-grid cottage or cabinBarakah Farm StaffFebruary 26, 2017 by Barakah Farm StaffFebruary 26, 201701347 If you’re thinking of purchasing a second home, whether it be a cottage, cabin, lake house, camp or other, you may be considering going totally...
[03-Energy]Energy storage key to reliable solar power systemsBarakah Farm StaffFebruary 23, 2017 by Barakah Farm StaffFebruary 23, 20170664 To sustain the growth profile of alternative energy systems like solar power, experts have stressed the need for the deployment of effective and quality energy...
[01-Land]How Could Buying a Hobby Farm Change Your Future?Barakah Farm StaffFebruary 15, 2017 by Barakah Farm StaffFebruary 15, 20170786 by Bella Scotton The Hobby Farm Success in Today’s Modern World There are a lot of reasons why a family may decide that a hobby...
[01-Land]How Could Buying a Hobby Farm Change Your Future?Barakah Farm StaffFebruary 15, 2017 by Barakah Farm StaffFebruary 15, 20170701 by Bella Scotton The Hobby Farm Success in Today’s Modern World There are a lot of reasons why a family may decide that a hobby...
[04-Plants]8 Reasons to Include Rosemary in the GardenBarakah Farm StaffFebruary 12, 2017 by Barakah Farm StaffFebruary 12, 20170722 Growing food at home is much more than vegetables alone. Culinary herbs are not only one of the easy crops to cultivate, but they improve...
[06-Systems]Rotational Chicken Runs around your Garden to Reduce Feeding CostsBarakah Farm StaffFebruary 6, 2017 by Barakah Farm StaffFebruary 6, 20170771 Our number one goal, other than adding a large garden to our new homestead, was to have rotational chicken runs around the garden to reduce...