Barakah Heritage Farm
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Reading The Permaculture Student 1 will give you a sure foundation in what permaculture is within a few short sittings. It was originally designed for middle schoolers to be able to use on their own, so it’s extra clear & easy, but today it is being used by teachers in elementary schools, high schools, and…;

Reading The Permaculture Student 1 will give you a sure foundation in what permaculture is within a few short sittings. It was originally designed for middle schoolers to be able to use on their own, so it’s extra clear & easy, but today it is being used by teachers in elementary schools, high schools, and homeschools as well as with students of all ages. It is a reference manual rather than a traditional textbook of units and assignments and so easier to read. Colorful, scientifically accurate, and engaging illustrations are found throughout its pages. Much of this textbook is inspired by the work of Geoff Lawton, Sepp Holzer, Bill Mollison, David Holmgren, Masanobu Fukuoka, & P.A. Yoemans. It is designed such that anyone can setup their site safely and begin their education in permaculture based in science and was developed with the consensus of experts, educators, and scientists.

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