Barakah Heritage Farm
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Sustainable Lifestyle Design: How to Not Screw Earth Over in Your Conquest to Live Rich

Do you struggle with feeling like you have lost control over the direction of your life? That what you do accounts for nothing? You’ve worked hard. You have money in the bank (or maybe you don’t) and yet, a deep disconnection from the world bubbles inside you. You’re left wondering what happy juice others are…;

Do you struggle with feeling like you have lost control over the direction of your life? That what you do accounts for nothing? You’ve worked hard. You have money in the bank (or maybe you don’t) and yet, a deep disconnection from the world bubbles inside you. You’re left wondering what happy juice others are drinking that you seem to have missed out on. Too many people attempt to feel self-worth, freedom, and happiness in pursuit of financial wealth. The elusive pursuit of a ‘rich life’ is crushing the planet in unimaginable ways. It’s time to jam the wheel of your mindless consumption and turn soul-crushing lifestyle choices into a modern sustainable life. Imagine a life where you thrive in good health, have the time to do what you love and contribute to a better world. Sustainable Lifestyle Design reveals a step-by-step plan you can use today to save money, lower your carbon footprint, reclaim your health and live a truly richer lifestyle. It feels good to help the planet and as you’ll come to discover, it feels incredible to take back control of your own life. In this book you’ll discover how to: – Find peace with what and how you eat so you don’t feel the guilt every time you pick up that fork – Shake your self-destructive habits that leave you drained of energy and feeling miserable facing each day – Connect the dots between how you can help the world by helping yourself first – Walk away with a positive attitude and direction for how you can by the catalyst of change and create the world that you want to live in – Start making positive changes in your lifestyle from Day 1 that will allow you to save money and reduce your personal impact on the planet – Lead an authentically rich life that is full of purpose – Be part of the revolution that starts with YOU! A sustainable lifestyle promotes and supports health and wellness in all facets of your life whilst nurturing the environment around you. It has a positive influence on the world because it naturally reduces your carbon footprint. Your senses awaken as you experience a richer planet. It’s authentic. It’s real. It’s practical. It’s about balance. It doesn’t require you to live beyond your means; mentally, physically, emotionally or financially. It just makes sense. And yes, you can live greener and richer without tree-hugging or sacrificing your tasty steak.Sustainable Lifestyle Design How to Not Screw Earth Over in Your Conquest to Live Rich

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