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Radical Mycology: A Treatise On Seeing And Working With Fungi

This entry is part [part not set] of 5 in the series Best Mushroom-Fungi Books

Interwoven with short essays on the lessons of the fungi, Radical Mycology begins with chapters that explore the uniqueness of fungal biology, the critical ecological roles of micro and macro fungi, skills for accurately identifying mushrooms and mycorrhizal fungi, the importance of lichens as indicators of environmental health, and the profound influences that fungi have…;

Interwoven with short essays on the lessons of the fungi, Radical Mycology begins with chapters that explore the uniqueness of fungal biology, the critical ecological roles of micro and macro fungi, skills for accurately identifying mushrooms and mycorrhizal fungi, the importance of lichens as indicators of environmental health, and the profound influences that fungi have held on the evolution of all life and human cultures. With this foundation laid, the reader is then equipped to work with the fungi directly. Techniques for making potent fungal medicines, growing fermenting fungi for food, and cheaply cultivating mushrooms using recycled tools (and yet still achieving lab-quality results) are explored in-depth. Subsequent chapters grow far beyond the limits of other books on mushrooms. Detailed information on the principles and practices of what McCoy calls “regenerative natural mushroom farming” is presented along with extensive information on cultivating mycorrhizal fungi and the science of mycoremediation (the application of fungi to mitigate pollution in our homes and environment). Concluding the book are deeper insights into the cultural effects that fungi present, from a philosophical reflection of fungal growth in the design of human societies, to an exhaustive examination of the history of psychoactive mushrooms.The most up-to-date and comprehensive book on mushroom cultivation, medicinal mushrooms, mycoremediation, and much more.
Easy to understand and filled with supplementary images, charts, appendices, and footnotes.
Detailed information on the many mycological arts and sciences.

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