Barakah Heritage Farm
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Permaculture Skills: A Cold-climate, Applied Permaculture Design Course (4-DVD set)

Filmed entirely on location in the beautiful hills of central Vermont, this educational documentary series offers an opportunity to join students as they learn to become permaculture designers and practitioners during an applied Permaculture Design Course hosted by Whole Systems Design LLC. Condensing the contents of two separate 10-day courses, the Permaculture Skills film series…;

Filmed entirely on location in the beautiful hills of central Vermont, this educational documentary series offers an opportunity to join students as they learn to become permaculture designers and practitioners during an applied Permaculture Design Course hosted by Whole Systems Design LLC. Condensing the contents of two separate 10-day courses, the Permaculture Skills film series is an invitation to share in the experience and learn from a combination of academic teaching, practical field work and hands-on workshops.educational
permaculture design course

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