iPermie is a good-life design guide for Millennials, Boomers, and Generation X.It contains strategies, tools, and techniques to help you prepare a permaculture design for your life so you can navigate the cardinal threats of peak oil, climate instability, economic irrationality, and political criminality. It is an almanac of useful information and permaculture self-study guide.iPermie…;

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iPermie is a good-life design guide for Millennials, Boomers, and Generation X.
It contains strategies, tools, and techniques to help you prepare a permaculture design for your life so you can navigate the cardinal threats of peak oil, climate instability, economic irrationality, and political criminality. It is an almanac of useful information and permaculture self-study guide.
iPermie is a work of love and sorrow.
It flows from love for people, love for the planet, and love for the future. It is informed by sorrow for people, sorrow for the planet, and sorrow for the future.
This book offers a comprehensive, holistic view of the signs of these times and lays out a path towards a better way ot living that can be accessed by anyone with the will to do some thinking, observing, and planning.
This book is about hope – it’s about how we can create self-fulfilling prophecies of a better world, where we care for people, care for the planet, and have a care for the future.
This book is about empowerment. Far too many of us feel powerless in the face of the gigantic forces at work in this world. We don’t understand the power we retain within and we certainly don’t want to trust ourselves. This book will help you understand that everything that you need is already within you. Sure, you may need some details, skills, and etc., but you already have the most important things you need for the future. We begin our journey as you and I learn to trust ourselves.
This book is not a litany of scary stories. It has a few — everyone likes a little adrenalin rush now and then — but that’s not the theme.
Permaculture can help you design your life so that you will experience more beauty, health, happiness, freedom, security, and cooperation, with less work, consumption, injustice, conflict, stress, danger, and waste.
There is a definite focus throughout the iPermie text on what people can do to care for the earth, care for people, and have a care for the future without spending big piles of cash. Indeed, besides the sustainability aspects, iPermie could be considered a manual of “champagne living on a beer budget,” which is to say, “How to have a great life without spending lots of money and going deeply into debt.”
Permaculture, as a design system, works every bit as well for people in cities as it does for those in rural areas. It is not primarily about growing food or using perennial plants in landscapes. It is about designing ways to live in accordance with the permaculture ethics, so that we care for people, care for the planet, and have a care for the future as we design and embrace voluntary limits on consumption and ensure that surplus circulates and does not centralize or concentrate.
More than 1,000 pages, 14 sections, 245 chapters, and 388,000+ words.