Barakah Heritage Farm
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European Nightcrawler Colony Starter Kit w/Beneficial Nematodes, EM1 & Free Grow Guide. This is for European Nightcrawler colony starter mix, with eggs, wisps, baby worms, breeders and beneficial predator nematodes HB & SF to attack insects that get in the bin. The mix is also saturated with EM1 which will help break the bin down.…;

European Nightcrawler Colony Starter Kit w/Beneficial Nematodes, EM1 & Free Grow Guide. This is for European Nightcrawler colony starter mix, with eggs, wisps, baby worms, breeders and beneficial predator nematodes HB & SF to attack insects that get in the bin. The mix is also saturated with EM1 which will help break the bin down. Also a comprehensive guide for setting everything up and some tips and tricks… and maybe even a way for you to make some extra money! This worm is great composting or fishing worm – they make tons of castings and get a lot bigger than redworms. Great rate of reproduction and survive in some pretty harsh environments cold and hot. There are some things you need to know however to be successful with them – I will show you how to set your indoor bins and outdoor beds up and some secrets I have learned from raising these worms. When you order I will send you a downloadable guide I have put together to help you on your vermiculture journey. You will receive information and links to videos to instruct you. Packages are sent first class, they will weigh right at 13 ounces. The mix will have cocoons and small worms but they will grow fast. Each cocoon will produce between 2-7 babies. I also offer a one year guarantee – follow my instructions and if you fail I will send a replacement for the cost of shipping. The worms are shipped in their natural habitat which will have all the beneficial micro-organisms that they co-exist with. That having been said, certain times of the year other soil dwelling creatures may be more or less present in the mix. The guide will show you how to eliminate if desired. When you order YOU WILL RECEIVE A MESSAGE FROM WITH ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED FOR TO GUARANTEE LIVE DELIVERY.European Nightcrawler Egg Cocoons Baby Worms Colony Starter w/Beneficial Nematodes HB & SF + Free Grow Guide

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