[06-Systems]Why This Woman Is Teaching Ex-Prisoners About PermacultureBarakah Farm StaffFebruary 9, 2018 by Barakah Farm StaffFebruary 9, 20180884 (Whether you’re starting your first garden or switching to organic, Rodale’s Basic Organic Gardening has all the answers and advice you need—get your copy today.) Then Thomas,...
[04-Plants][06-Systems]Planting a food forest: Proposal for Springside Park would help connect people to the land and to foodBarakah Farm StaffMarch 15, 2017 by Barakah Farm StaffMarch 15, 201701775 PITTSFIELD — An edible landscape, dappled with fruit, vegetables and nuts. That’s part of a vision for a food forest in Springside Park. A local...