[05-Animals]How to Put Your Homestead Animals to WorkBarakah Farm StaffSeptember 16, 2017 by Barakah Farm StaffSeptember 16, 20170753 Are you looking for ways to simplify your homestead processes? I’m going to share a few ways for how to put your homestead animals to...
[05-Animals]How to Put Your Homestead Animals to WorkBarakah Farm StaffSeptember 16, 2017 by Barakah Farm StaffSeptember 16, 201701113 Are you looking for ways to simplify your homestead processes? I’m going to share a few ways for how to put your homestead animals to...
[05-Animals]Free Ranging: The Pros & ConsBarakah Farm StaffAugust 26, 2017 by Barakah Farm StaffAugust 26, 201701854 When I brought my first animals home to the farm there was no question in my mind as to whether they would live the life...
[06-Systems]Rotational Chicken Runs around your Garden to Reduce Feeding CostsBarakah Farm StaffFebruary 6, 2017 by Barakah Farm StaffFebruary 6, 20170774 Our number one goal, other than adding a large garden to our new homestead, was to have rotational chicken runs around the garden to reduce...