Barakah Heritage Farm

Tag : organic

Farming Tools[04-Plants]

TALKING TOOLS with Jonathan Dysinger of Farmer’s Friend LLC

Barakah Farm Staff
Talking about tools with the creator of the Quick Cut Greens Harvester, Jonathan Dysinger. SUB: POPULAR VIDEOS: ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ CLICK “SHOW MORE” FOR RESOURCES...

The “All Year Round” cauliflower seedlings are looking healthy! I always struggle with overwinter…

Barakah Farm Staff
The "All Year Round" cauliflower seedlings are looking healthy! I always struggle with overwinter crops so I've got my fingers crossed for these babies! ....

We have just finished putting the String up on our Tomato Frame :) Fingers…

Barakah Farm Staff
We have just finished putting the String up on our Tomato Frame :) Fingers crossed it works!! #tomatoplant #tomatoes #organic #growwhatyoueat #growyourown #seedsnow #thehappygardeninglife #urbanorganicgardener...

Been a bit distracted today with our very poorly dog Hopefully he’ll be back…

Barakah Farm Staff
Been a bit distracted today with our very poorly dog Hopefully he’ll be back up and running soon enough but in the meantime this little...
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