Barakah Heritage Farm
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This entry is part [part not set] of 7 in the series Best Suburban Growing Books

The Weekend Homesteader is organized by month—so whether it’s January or June you’ll find exciting, short projects that you can use to dip your toes into the vast ocean of homesteading without getting overwhelmed. If you need to fit homesteading into a few hours each weekend and would like to have fun while doing it,…;

The Weekend Homesteader is organized by month—so whether it’s January or June you’ll find exciting, short projects that you can use to dip your toes into the vast ocean of homesteading without getting overwhelmed. If you need to fit homesteading into a few hours each weekend and would like to have fun while doing it, these projects will be right up your alley, whether you live on a forty-acre farm, a postage-stamp lawn in suburbia, or a high rise.   

You’ll learn about backyard chicken care, how to choose the best mushroom and berry species, and why and how to plant a no-till garden that heals the soil while providing nutritious food.  Permaculture techniques will turn your homestead into a vibrant ecosystem and attract native pollinators while converting our society’s waste into high-quality compost and mulch. Meanwhile, enjoy the fruits of your labor right away as you learn the basics of cooking and eating seasonally, then preserve homegrown produce for later by drying, canning, freezing, or simply filling your kitchen cabinets with storage vegetables. As you become more self-sufficient, you’ll save seeds, prepare for power outages, and tear yourself away from a full-time job, while building a supportive and like-minded community. You won’t be completely eliminating your reliance on the grocery store, but you will be plucking low-hanging (and delicious!) fruits out of your own garden by the time all forty-eight projects are complete.

Full Customer Reviews:

Series NavigationThe New American Homestead: Sustainable, Self-Sufficient Living in the Country or in the City >>The Permaculture Transition Manual: A Comprehensive Guide to Resilient Living >>

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