Barakah Heritage Farm

Join the “Homestead Skills” Book Club! — Ross Roost

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Did you hear? I started a book club! Who am I to think I have the authority to run a book club? I’m nobody, and I have no idea what I’m doing (in homesteading, life, running clubs….). I do have a lot of books about homestead skills though, and one of my main reasons for blogging was to share what I’m doing and maybe someday have a fun community of people that are passionate about some of the things I love. So now we have a book club. 

Who can join? Anyone! You can do so here! I have a series of questions you need to answer before you’re approved, but that is just to make sure A) you didn’t stumble upon it on accident, and B) to find out what types of skills you are interested in so I can make sure and hit a few books a year you’ll enjoy. You don’t have to identify as a “homesteader” to join, and there is no requirement to participate in all the books. If it’s a subject you know you have no interest in, don’t participate those weeks. I get it, not everyone has the space or desire for bees, and some people think fermented foods are gross. Whether you are dreaming of your future homestead, want to plant more veggies on your apartment balcony, preserve food you grew or bought, or are like me and are currently stumbling along trying to figure out what you enjoy and have time to do on your current property (rural, urban, or otherwise), there will be something for you.

So how will this work? I’ll post in the group what book we are going to do next. You can use the link I share to purchase the hard copy or Kindle edition, if you have a local bookstore that has it nab it there, or it may be a book you already own and either haven’t read yet or want to read again. Your library may also have it to borrow, or if it is a book Amazon Prime readers can rent for free I’ll definitely point that out. We’ll spend a few weeks on each book depending on the size and subject matter, and as we read through it I’ll post a suggested reading timeline and create threads where we can discuss the subject and share how we implement the ideas, what we think, and whether we found it valuable. I’ll be attempting to time the subjects so they can be utilized in the next or current season so it’s relevant.

What books are we going to do? I have so many! Our first book is going to be The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, and we will start on Monday November 27th. Jumping in late? Totally fine, there are no spoilers (What!? Heating milk and adding lemon to it makes cheese, NO WAY!), so feel free to jump into a book whenever. We will also read (in no particular order), How to Speak Chicken, Fresh Eggs Daily, Backyard Chickens Beyond the Basics, Welcome to the Farm, Fiery Ferments, One Hour Cheese, The Beautiful Edible Garden, Cut Flower Garden, Harvest, The Backyard Gardener, The Monarch, Duck Eggs Daily, Gardening with Chickens, and I’ll be adding more all the time. Just like in my regular life, I’m super optimistic and enthusiastic about this book club. The list will most definitely change, but these are the ones I either have or have had my eye on for awhile. I need to find a great apiary resource, and I’d like to find a book specific to goats. There are also many more kitchen skills I’d like to learn more about.

I’m really excited to have a place and a way to have meaningful interaction with those of you that are following our story. If you have a book suggestion please feel free to comment below, let me know on Facebook, or tag me on Instagram



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On – 25 Nov, 2017 By Beverly Ross

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