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East African Permaculture Convergence 28th – 29th May 2018.

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East African Permaculture Convergence 28th – 29th May 2018.

The 1st Permaculture East African Mini Convergence 28 -29 May, 2018
The permaculture East African convergence is an event organized once  a year across East Africa to bring all permaculture practitioners, Teachers , Livelihood , Climate change Justice , Food Justice  based organisations, community workers or scholars on Natural resources and Agricultures to discuss permaculture key Local, community ,National and Global efforts and contributions using permaculture and how to make them more effective. The Key approved Main stream approved topics will be discussed at the Main Convergence that will be scheduled come 2019.

The specific Objectives of framing permaculture execution regional Calendar in the East African Regional, Permaculture in a school environment, links to curriculum and on site activities. Permaculture landscapes, design, food forests, plant nurseries and propagation, Permaculture and bio energy: Methane digestion, grazing scheme s, biochar, coppice and wood gasification.

 Permaculture and enterprise: Using permaculture to create successful business and enterprises.
The PDC will have 4 groups of up to 15 participants and each one will focus on one of those areas as a specialism. Their design activity will also be related to the theme. These in turn might help provide a focus for the discussions at the EA Convergence.
E.A. Permaculture Convergence at Sabina School. We will have just completed a 2 week residency at the school and it seemed like a great opportunity to invite broader participation and to profile the work of permaculture in East Africa
Day 1: 28th May
Outward facing: A chance to profile the work of EA permaculture. Projects a groups. Invites to opinion formers and budget heads. Who do we need to reach out to demonstrate the potentials for Permaculture design in education and as a business model, especially for small farmers, refugees and new enterprises in references to the specific objectives .
Day 2: 29th May
Inward facing: Practitioners, enables, teachers, project developers. Where next/ what do we need to put in place to achieve the Potentials outlined and highlighted in day one in reference to achieve the set objectives with time lines.
PRI-UG demonstration site Stop Over for those who will not have not attended PDC ..
At Buwama and between Kampala and Masaka, this established , Permaculture farm has high ecological standards and can serve as a stop off visit point for people travelling to Sanje and Sabina school , Small scale demonstrations of biogas, compost, integrated farming with pasture, grazing, wildlife habitat maintenance, fish farming, veggies and education. At Buwama.
Who should attend?
Permaculture Practitioners, organizational livelihood project Managers and Directors, farmers, leaders and school Head Teachers, Nature or climate Activists
How to Book a slot?
Book in advance to avoid disappointments since there is a set limit of the Number of participants needed for this Convergence, send an email requesting for the registration form [email protected] or [email protected] 
Convergence fees: 215,000  Uganda shillings, 50.7 Euros .

Payment can be completed : at ABC bank ltd or Mobile or Airtel on the Invoice sent after filling in your registration form,You will receive an Invoice on the email you have in the application form 
After receiving your Payment a receipt  will be generated   and  you need  present it on arrival.

How to Apply  –   Complete the application Form :

What you should carry?
You need to carry your own towel and other personal body sanitary and a receipt a copy of your registration form.

How can you Partner or contribute?
All Interested partners are welcome, sponsors, donors , beneficiaries. You can be volunteer or sponsor a community scholar – officer, your staff to participate in the convergence or donate to the organizers in making the event better and colorful.  for more inquiries [email protected] and [email protected]
 Sector 39 UK,  
Broadfield Enterprises Uganda ltd- permaculture Group
Permaculture Research Institute of Uganda
And Dolen Ffermio – farmers Link .

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On – 17 Dec, 2017 By mugarura charles

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