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Tiny House Engineers Notebook: Volume 1, Off Grid Power: Tiny House Engineers Notebook: Volume 1, Off Grid Power

Written by Chris Haynes an engineer and off grid tiny house dweller, this book will get you started on the road to building your own off grid power system. The search results in front of you contain a ton of books that claim to be the “complete guide to something or other”. This book is…;

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Written by Chris Haynes an engineer and off grid tiny house dweller, this book will get you started on the road to building your own off grid power system. The search results in front of you contain a ton of books that claim to be the “complete guide to something or other”. This book is much different! Many books are too simple to be of use, and others are too complex for a new builder. The result is a book collecting dust on your physical or electronic bookshelf. This book assumes that you know nothing about off grid power and despise reading textbooks disguised with fancy covers. You will find that the pages read like a series of social media posts (small amount of text with pics). The pages are easy to digest, you can stop anytime your brain hurts. Most books fill your head with theory and then expect you to head over to the parts store to wire up your house. This book fills you up with just enough theory to understand the complete system designs at the end of the book. These designs come with part lists, wiring diagrams, and capacity specs. Use one of these designs for your own project, or modify them however you want. The author maintains a web site for the book so you can yell at him for the bad spelling on page 63, ask a question, or get advice on your project. Discussion and feedback will be incorporated into future revisions of this book or supplemental volumes.

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