Barakah Heritage Farm
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If you could only have 100 possessions, what would they be?Francine Jay, bestselling author of The Joy of Less, puts a new twist on decluttering: eliminate the excess by choosing your essentials. It’s like packing a suitcase with just your favorite things.She takes the idea of a capsule wardrobe, and expands it to a capsule…;

If you could only have 100 possessions, what would they be?

Francine Jay, bestselling author of The Joy of Less, puts a new twist on decluttering: eliminate the excess by choosing your essentials. It’s like packing a suitcase with just your favorite things.

She takes the idea of a capsule wardrobe, and expands it to a capsule household—a small collection of versatile items perfectly in sync with your needs.

To illustrate, Jay shows you her 100 possessions (in 100 full-color photographs), with detailed explanations of her 35-Item Kitchen, 35-Item Wardrobe, and more. She invites you to join in the fun, and use her list as a springboard in making your own.

100 Essentials helps you travel more lightly through life—whether you’re relocating, downsizing, or just starting out. It’s an ideal resource for small space dwellers, and anyone who wants to live more efficiently and gracefully.

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