Barakah Heritage Farm
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Words of Wisdom . • If you have any gardening space near the perimeter…

? Words of Wisdom ?
• If you have any gardening space near the perimeter of your house, it’s probably not the best idea to plant all of your new tender fall seedlings the week before you get your house re-roofed. That is, unless you enjoy setting up an elaborate easy-up/sheet/curtain fortresses to try to protect them, worrying about their well-being all day for a week while you’re at work, and fretting over them every evening when you get home. Aside from the mess, the measures we took did protect them, for the most part… A couple bok choy babes still got smushed, and since we’ve had some mini heat waves the last couple weeks a few chinese cabbage seedlings decided to bolt, so we started a few more trays of seedlings yesterday to replace any in need. ? In our defense, the roof job was originally scheduled for late October and then changed last minute, so this wasn’t exactly the plan… This photo is from a couple weeks back; I am so relieved today is the last day! Cuz y’all know how much I love a good mess ?
• If you know you are going to need a new roof in the next couple years, do not re-paint your house and eaves! I just painted the house myself in early 2015, and was certainly not looking forward to ever doing that again. As you may have seen in my stories, WAY more of our eave plywood was rotted and needed replacing than I anticipated, so guess who gets to paint all the new raw wood?! ?‍♀️? (I am actually leaning towards getting a quote from Aaron’s co-worker’s dad, a local painter, and see if we can get a screamin’ good deal. If not, here we go again…
• Make sure to check out the full Harvest MOON tonight! It completely took my breath away on my pre-dawn drive to work this morning, so low and huge over the horizon ?
• Last, but not least: Happy almost weekend! ?

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