Barakah Heritage Farm
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Desert Backyard Permaculture Design Part 1: Observation – Presented by OneHeartFire | Desert Garden Care

[Total: 0    Average: 0/5] You must sign in to vote I’ve been given the opportunity to design and install a permaculture landscape in my cousin’s backyard in Chandler, Arizona. This dry and hot desert climate is one I haven’t had the chance to work in, so there is a lot for me to learn. The first step in any permaculture design is observation of the site and the people who will interact with it. Following an interview with my cousin and her husband, I spent a few days observing the back yard. I had the good fortune of being able to observe the site during a rare rainstorm, which allowed me to see how water currently collects and flows across the yard. I also made some measurements with a water level, to determine where excess water would be able to escape the yard during a very large rain event. The music used in the video is my own, which you can find at I am currently looking for volunteers to help with the Permaculture Bike Park project, and stay or live in the Ant Village. This thread has all the info:… Follow me on Instagram @oneheartfire If you enjoy my videos and would like to support the project, please visit To make a one time donation via paypal or credit card, please visit To donate Bitcoin, click here: To learn more about my other permaculture projects and experiences, please visit

On – 30 Sep, 2017 By

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