Barakah Heritage Farm
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FarmingAnnual Gardening[04-Plants]

? Nearly 12 pounds of homegrown Russian Banana and Yukon Gold potatoes from three…

? Nearly 12 pounds of homegrown Russian Banana and Yukon Gold potatoes from three 15-gallon @rootsorganics fabric grow bags (that we mostly neglected after planting). Not too shabby, I’d say! Clearly not enough to store and last over winter, but that wasn’t really our intention when we planted – it was just to enjoy some fresh tasty tates.
Someone asked if homegrown potatoes tasted better than store-bought. My answer? “Uh, hell YES!” As is the case with any homegrown food, but especially potatoes. So creamy and buttery and richly delicious. I always say I can still taste the soil, in the best way possible! Does that make sense? ??
In the past, we have used the method of layering soil and straw, adding a few inches more of each on top as the potatoes grow, adding sulfur to acidify the soil, and had decent success. This year, we stumbled upon a bagged “acid lovers” organic potting soil from Gardener and Bloome at our local Farm Supply and decided to give it a go. So instead of using straw and sulfur this year, we mixed up some of the acid lovers mix, some compost and aged chicken manure, other potting soil we had, heavily amended with sphagnum peat moss, and I’m pretty happy with the results! When peat moss is added to soil, it helps to create aeration and fluff (keeping the soil loose), aids in drainage, while also promoting moisture and nutrient retention – a perfect combo for potatoes – who like a consistently moist and nutrient-rich environment, but one that isn’t soggy or compact! Peat moss is also highly acidic, making it a perfect amendment for acid-loving potatoes, but should be used in moderation a garden filled with neutral-soil loving plants.
This is one of things I love most about gardening: experimenting. Sure, there are some general rules of thumb that any gardener should follow to be successful in their endeavors, but there is also SO MUCH room for trying new things, products, methods, varieties, timing, and so on. There is no “right way” to garden; we are all constantly learning and evolving. And what works well for one gardener may not work well for another for a multitude of reasons, and that is totally okay! ?
? Keep playing and grow

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