Barakah Heritage Farm
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The 5 Best Livestock For Starting Your Homestead

Are you ready to stock your homestead with livestock?  You must be wondering which farm animals to raise first and why.  If you have doubts, consider our recommendations as a possible solution to meet your families needs.

Buying a homestead can be a very costly decision that you should not take likely.  If you’re reading this post you’ve probably already gone forward and closed the deal.  Congratulations if this is the case for you.

Now that you’ve purchased your first homestead property you are most likely wondering which livestock to stock and raise first?  This is a valid concern for you to have.

The bottom line is you want to farm a group of homestead animal that will most likely meet your families needs.

For example, you might want to only consider livestock that produces eggs, milk, and/or meat.  Or maybe you just want to raise farm animals that can also be resold as pets, for breeding, or as a food source.

Whatever your case we got you covered.

Just watch the short informative video below to learn the 5 best livestock farm animals to raise on your homestead.  The video is approximately 22 minutes long.

But if you watch the video it will be the best use of your time and will definitely save you some headaches of picking the wrong animal/.

The video is approximately 22 minutes long.  But if you watch the video it will be the best use of your time and will definitely save you the headache of picking the wrong animal.

Here’s the list and quantity of the 5 animals recommended in the video:

  • (6 to 12) laying hens
  • (2) dairy does and possibly a buck; a couple of dairy goats
  • (2) feeder pigs short term or a breeding pair of pigs
  • (3) breeding rabbits consisting of 2 does and 1 buck
  • (15) quails

The recommendation given in the video is for an average family of four.

On – 01 Feb, 2017 By l3hodo

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