Barakah Heritage Farm
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From costs, to how to pick the right cow, breeding, calving, milking, and more I’m going to walk you through the basics of keeping a family cow.

When you begin to research the ins and outs of owning a family cow, there is a ton of information you will need to sift through and learn. Since you are going to want to give your new dairy gal the best life you can provide, that means understanding what part you will need to play in the relationship and what care she will require from you. You’ll also need to know things like how much acreage you will need, what the calving year looks like, how to safely handle the milk, and how much it’s going to cost to buy her in the first place and maintain her every year.

From costs, to how to pick the right breed of cow, how to get her bred, what to do at calving time, how to milk her, and more I’m going to walk you through the basics of cow ownership.  That way you can get an idea of what it entails and whether it is a commitment you and your family willing to take on. I’m not going to lie to you, it’s a lot of work but for some of us it is totally worth every ounce of energy we give her!

And if in the end, you still find yourself dreaming of the day you can bring your own dairy cow home and finally put that first glass of creamy cold raw milk to your lips then it is time for you to dive in deeper to find out more about the blessings, details, and challenges of cow ownership.

Visit Homesteader’s of America to Learn about Family Milk Cow 101

Check Out These Other Resources for Keeping a Family Cow

From costs, to how to pick the right cow, breeding, calving, milking, and more I’m going to walk you through the basics of keeping a family cow.



On – 05 Sep, 2017 By Quinn

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