Barakah Heritage Farm
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***RAISING CHUNKY CHICKENS – NO 1 BEST SELLER IN CATEGORY!***Raising Chickens could be considered as a quintessential part of living on a homestead, or living a self-sustainable lifestyle. Whether you are rearing hens for eggs or meat – or even just for company, this introduction to raising chickens offers all the information you will need…;

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Raising Chickens could be considered as a quintessential part of living on a homestead, or living a self-sustainable lifestyle. Whether you are rearing hens for eggs or meat – or even just for company, this introduction to raising chickens offers all the information you will need to get started.

Over 70 pages crammed with information on homesteading essentials such as the following, will ensure of a good grounding in self-sufficiency and rearing animals on your homestead or even backyard.

What You Will Find In This Book:
1. A glossary of 30 terms relating to the keeping of poultry, that will ensure you of a basic understanding as to what it is all about.

2. Keeping chickens for eggs or meat? This is a list of ten of the most popular chicken breeds along with a brief description of the birds and whether they are most suitable for egg production or for the meat.

3. Should you have a static chicken coop, or a chicken tractor – and what is the difference anyway? This is a simple look at what your chicken shed requirements may be, and how to choose the best hut for your hens.

4. Chicken feed – This section will show you what to feed your poultry during the different stages of growth, from baby chick ,to point-of-lay pullet, to full production egg-laying chicken.

5. Dressing Your Chicken. No this is not to do with the latest clothes they must wear! For those interested in keeping poultry for meat, this is all about how to dispatch your chicken humanely and how to prepare the bird for the table – complete with pictures to help illustrate.

6. Last but by no means least – ten top chicken recipes to get your taste buds flowing! Courtesy of F. A. Paris’s book ‘Fantastic Chicken’, available on Amazon kindle books.

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