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Barakah Heritage Farm
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How Could Buying a Hobby Farm Change Your Future?

by Bella Scotton
The Hobby Farm Success in Today’s Modern World

There are a lot of reasons why a family may decide that a hobby farm would be the best place to live. One of these reasons is because it is perceived as a way of being able to save money. Yet, what often happens is that the hobby farm purchased for the good of the family turns out to be quite a money maker. Generally a farm is classed as a hobby farm if it’s comprised of less than 50 acres.

What Could 20 Acres Do For You?

If you were to ask this question of the young Johnson family you may find the answer to be quite surprising. This is a couple that had always found a way to do some hobby farming no matter where they lived, basically following the same concept of saving some money by growing and raising your own food. They soon grew tired of this and decided to turn 20 acres of land into something that was going to produce some money for them. What is impressive about this story is that they raise beef, pork and poultry all on pasture. They have adopted the modern day version of farming which allows them to use these 20 acres without the need for massive barns and tons of equipment.

80 People Provided With 40 Vegetable Varieties From 9/10 Of An Acre Of Land

Imagine being able to grow a vast number of veggies to feed 80 people on this amount of land! Bethanee Wright does exactly this at  Winterfell Acres in Blanchardville in south central Wisconsin. She is now ready to branch out to a little bigger operation but has no intentions of going into large scale farming, nor does she need to. With what she has accomplished on this small plot of land imagine what she is going to do with a few acres.

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What are the Payoffs?

While in both these cases none of the parties indicate that they are going to get rich from this type of hobby farming, but they do seem to be making a decent living, while at the same time they are saving money by growing their own food. Then there is also the long term investment in the small amount of property that they do own.

For the Johnson family their hobby farm is located in Centuria, in the St. Croix River Valley. There still seems to be plenty of open farm land for sale that is the ideal size for a hobby farm. One example, is approx. 28 acres going for $281,900. and this is without a residence being on it as yet. With the history that real estate has it is easy to imagine what the value of property like this will be in as little as five years time. The Johnson’s are renting their land from family members who have an orchard across the street.

Can 1.5 Acres Really Generate $140,000 a Year?

This success story originates from Canada, but the concept and principals can easily be applied to any hobby farm in the United States. This is a story about a couple who have been able to net $140,000. a year on their 1.5 acre farm. Their methods have been so successful that they have actually written a book about it. What it all comes down to the right techniques for tilling, permanent beds and crop rotation with the use of a few yet simple tools.

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Using the Hobby Farm as a Stepping Stone

It is not uncommon for many who start out in hobby farming to develop such a passion for it that they want to move onto a bigger farming operation, and many are successful at doing this. A prime example of this is the Godfrey family. They did their homework first when they started with their hobby farming by learning from the Amish. Who without a doubt are first class farmers. The Godfrey’s journey started with a 40 acre hobby farm. Initially their farming activity was more focused on sustaining their needs where they had some horses and a small dairy, and grew their own produce and raised some live stock as well as they had an orchard.

When they were ready to step up to a larger farming operation they were able to sell their forty acre farm in Cameron Texas for a substantial profit in 2007 with which they used their profits from the sale to purchase a 169 acre farm.

These are just a few of the many success stories with tons more that stretch right across the US. All of these successes have just focused on the financial aspects of hobby farming and have not even touched on the physical and mental successes that this type of land purchase can bring to every member of the family.
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On – 19 Jul, 2017 By

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