Barakah Heritage Farm
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Putting ag data to work: Collect. Organize. Use.

Editor’s note: This is a summary of the article “Collect. Organize. Use.,” authored by Katie Humphreys, managing editor for Farm Journal, published Jan. 5, 2018. Read it here.

Growers across the U.S. — like Angela and Kerry Knuth, Mead, NE — are building a digital strategy despite an industry filled with conflicting technology, services and software that lack interoperability. Farm Journal tackles the complexities facing farmers and tell how the Knuth’s have made huge strides with real-time collection across a mixed fleet and the ability to ingest and use a uniform set of agronomic and machine data into software to drive greater efficiencies.

Read the full article here.

Putting ag data to work: Collect. Organize. Use. was originally published in The Dirt on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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