Tree Planting & Hedgerow Restoration

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Tree Planting & Hedgerow Restoration” margin_design_tab_text=””]Come learn about transplanting and hedgerows, and help us restore the hedgerows at the farm.

May 7, 8, 14, 15 2021 weather permitting   Please RSVP[/ultimate_heading]

5 Benefits Of Hedgerows

[ultimate_heading]Trees are an important part of any healthy hedgerow.  To save money and also to make sure the trees are adapted to our microclimate, we will be transplanting trees already on the farm.  This gives these volunteer saplings in the gardens, yard and goat areas a chance to flourish, rather than be eaten, mowed or pulled.

Please wear sturdy outdoor clothes with long sleeves.  Bring work gloves, shovels and watering cans if you have them, and drinks.  We suggest bug spray.[/ultimate_heading]

Transplanting Trees