
Our Arabian Horses

Bahiya Mizan has a mother’s (dam) bloodline that traces all the way back to Syria to the Jilfan Sitam al Bulad* (also spelled with other variations)..

Bahiya is also a rare Early American Foundation Arabian. This means all her bloodlines come from horses imported into the USA before 1944. Truly American Arabians. There are fewer than 1000 Early American Foundation Arabians of any bloodline.

Finally, Bahiya is a Malabar Arabian.   Malabars are a strain bred for rare black color, good size, strong bodies and above-average calm intelligent minds with strong empathy for humans. These are throwbacks to the original “live in your tent” Arabians from history. There are only about 200 high-percent Malabars remaining and only a few active breeding farms.

After losing our young stallion in a fire in the fall of 2021, our breeding program was on hold.  With the arrival of black Arabian stallion SF Obeds Dusk, we have resumed breeding with an exciting tweak to our focus.

SF Obeds Dusk is one of only a handful of Arabians with a sire line (the father’s ancestors) to Witez II.  Dusk has the famous Pulque and Bask in his pedigree and is heavily linebred to Witez II.  You can read about the famous Witez II in the book And Miles To Go.


Sugar, our American Quarter Horse

Sugar helps with our classes, and is a fabulous example of a heritage (though not rare) American horse breed.

Meet Our Herd and Learn To Speak "Horse"

Fun alternative to horseback riding!

Experience our friendly curious gorgeous horses. Meet black Arabian stallion Dusk, and his ladies Bahi and Sugar. You may get sniffed and nuzzled, or asked to scratch their itches. Our black Arabians especially love children. Learn the secret tool of great horseback riders – how to speak horse.

Meet the horses at their outdoor pen. You can stand to pet the horses or sit (seating provided). Learn about Arabian and Quarter Horse history, how to understand “horse language” and how to make friends with horses.

We are an Arabian Horse Discovery Farm. Our stallion Dusk is related to the famous Witez II featured in the book And Miles To Go. Our lady horses are from rare or famous bloodlines.

Our experience suits most ages and experience levels, and we offer free optional scenic photo opportunities.

Un-Pony Rides, Our unique horsemanship & riding program

Book a one-time experience, or as a series of horseback riding lessons

Un-Pony Rides can be a one-time experience for most ages and experience levels, or booked in series as ongoing lessons. Learn to build a partnership with the horses by learning about their body language and their preferred way to interact with humans. Supervised riding, with optional interesting obstacle challenges. Basic riding techniques useable for English and Western horseback riding.