Family Farm Membership

Family Farm Memberships are not currently available

Our new Family Farm Membership CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) takes our most-loved, most popular farm activities, then bundles them with seasonal u-pick harvests on our farm.  Our goal is to make your family a part of our farm lives, connected with the daily happenings and animals here at the farm.  We want to get to know you personally and share the fun farm journey together.

Our new Family Farm Membership CSA is built upon a diverse and solid foundation:

We have tested many different gardening and farming methods, such as permaculture, biointensive and survival gardening.  Now it’s time to take all that we have learned and start producing larger volumes to better serve our farm family.

We have hosted hundreds of experiences and farm stays, and our favorite part has been getting to know people and building relationships.  Our guests also report that they value that connection with us; the history, following the lives of our animals, and knowing where their eggs or produce are coming from.

We follow a guiding principle of financially sound stewardship.  Farming without debt, loans, or interest creates stability for our programs, animals, and families.

We focus on regeneration and restoration, nurturing and guarding the land for future generations.  Our practices are designed to rebuild topsoil, prevent erosion, conserve water, have a lower carbon footprint, and use little or no fossil fuels or chemicals.

We provide fun and educational outdoor activities for families, to help families reconnect and help everyone unplug.

We make farm animals accessible to families that for financial or location reasons cannot have poultry, goats, horses or other farm animals.

We help your children learn compassion and empathy for the animals and the land and build educated connections to the sources of our food.

We plant the seeds to encourage future farmers (pun intended).

We hope you are as excited as we are about this new farm adventure and join us on the farm as a Family Farm Member.

Family Farm Member CSA Benefits

ACCESS.  Enjoy member-only unlimited access to the 2 picnic areas, the paths around the animal pens and the gardens.  Only Family Farm Members enjoy unlimited time at the animal pens and use of the picnic areas.

MORE FLEXIBLE HOURS.  We are open both Friday evening and all weekend for much more flexibility than our scheduled experiences.

FIRST CHOICE & UNUSUAL VARIETY.  Members get first choice of the interesting heirloom vegetables, fruits and herbs that may not be available in stores.

FREE & PAID ADD-ON’S.  Members may join scheduled tours for free.  Members also receive special offers and early access to activities such as our exclusive early-access video footage on Patreon, live Zoom animals, animal sponsorships and more.  Please explore our website, especially our Activities page, for all your options.

AFFORDABLE PAYMENT OPTIONS.  Members are offered a variety of payment options not available to the general public.

CHOICE.  Members have greater freedom to choose their schedule, and more variety of farm products available.  If you don’t see what you need, please ask us.

CONVENIENCE.  Learn gardening skills and benefit from some fresh produce without having to plant or tend your own garden.  We plant, we tend the garden, and we teach you what, when and how to harvest during your visit.  We of course welcome volunteers to help us with the planning, planting and maintenance – just ask us.  We maintain the farm animals as well, and you may collect eggs or help with chores or milking during your visit, but you are not obligated to work.  We provide any necessary tools – we do suggest appropriate footware, bug repellent, sunscreen or full-coverage clothing and perhaps gardening gloves.  Ask us if you need assistance choosing the best clothes and gear for a farm visit.

RELATIONSHIPS.  Members get to know us, our farm animals, and our other farm families in a way that one-time experience guests do not.  Membership builds community.  We want to know your name, and your favorite veggies, flowers, recipes, trips, colors, hobbies, etc.  Let’s grow together!

Membership Options & Payment Plans

We offer 3 Farm Membership CSA options:

1 weekend per month, 2 weekends per month, or 4 weekends per month.  A weekend is Friday afternoon through Sunday night.

One weekend per month includes 1 harvest or picking per month.

2 weekends per month includes 2 harvests or pickings per month

4 weekends per month allows 4 harvests or pickings per month


We offer 3 payment options:

Monthly, Seasonal (save over monthly) or annual (our best deal), all with a guaranteed prorated refund policy.


Our seasons are:

Spring – April 1 until the Friday before Memorial Day weekend, 2 months
Summer – Memorial Day Weekend – Labor Day Weekend, 3 months
Fall – first Friday after Labor Day weekend – January 2, 4 months
Deep winter – January 2 – March 31, 3 months

Farm Membership CSA Plans - Monthly vs. Annual

Comparison of the monthly and annual payment options for the 3 Farm Membership plans.
Monthly Payment-
Summer or Fall Seasons
Monthly Payment -
Winter or Spring Seasons
Annual PaymentCost Savings Of Annual Membership vs. Monthly
One Weekend Per Month$69$49$350$378 saved
Two Weekends Per Month$99$79$700$388 saved
Four Weekends Per Month$179$159$1400$648 saved

Farm Membership CSA Plans - Seasonal vs. Annual

Comparison of the seasonal and annual payment options for the 3 Farm Membership plans.
Seasonal Payment-
Summer or Fall Seasons
Seasonal Payment -
Winter or Spring Seasons
Annual PaymentCost Savings Of Annual Membership vs. Seasonal
One Weekend Per Month$129$99$350$106 saved
Two Weekends Per Month$249$199$700$196 saved
Four Weekends Per Month$499$299$1400$196 saved

Open days/hours for Farm Members: 

Friday:   2pm-sunset

Saturday:    9am-sunset

Sunday:     9am-sunset

Closed:  Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, except special events & federal holidays.

Please let us know if you prefer other days or times.

Disclaimer: As a Family Farm Member, you recognize that due to the inherent risks of farming, there are no guarantees on the exact amount of farm products you will receive due to weather extremes, insects, and/or other production factors.  Also due to the inherent risks of farming, we cannot guarantee access to a particular animal or experience.  You are willing to share the risks of farming and reap the benefits along with us, the farmers. We do guarantee prorated no-questions-asked refunds.  We ask our Members for your understanding of farm up-and-downs and encourage you to be patient with the unpredictability of animals and plants.  Thank you for your understanding, and support of our local farm! 


What does CSA stand for? What is a CSA?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture.

Community-supported agriculture (CSA model) or cropsharing is a system that connects farmers and consumers within the food system closer by allowing the consumer to subscribe to the harvest of a certain farm or group of farms. It is an alternative socioeconomic model of agriculture and food distribution that allows the producer and consumer to share the risks of farming. The model is a subcategory of civic agriculture that has an overarching goal of strengthening a sense of community through local markets.

In return for subscribing to a harvest, subscribers typically receive either a weekly or bi-weekly box of produce or other farm goods. This includes in-season fruits, vegetables, and can expand to dried goods, eggs, milk, meat, etc. Farmers cultivate a relationship with subscribers by sending newsletters, inviting them for harvest, or holding an open-farm event.

Barakah Heritage Farm has expanded the CSA concept into livestock and educational activities, as well as offering the more traditional harvest.

Where is the member-only private Facebook group?

Do you have drop sites or delivery?

Not at this time.  We value the pleasure of harvesting, and don’t want to rob you and your family of that experience.  So, we are a u-pick location only at this time.

However, we do share a private membership list among the members, showing just the family’s last name and their city, state.  We are glad to help you coordinate a delivery with a family near you.  We will harvest your share for $15.

Will the farm now be member-only, or will the public be able to purchase?

Yes, we offer both.  But…farm members are our first priority.  So, we are a u-pick location first, and a farm stand after.

What are the veggies/fruits that will be available for the fall 2022 season?

We are still working to complete the garden.  The list of produce below are waiting to be transplanted as soon as the beds are done.  We cannot predict what the yield will be for this first planting season in the new garden.


Arugula; Kale; Mixed Lettuces; Swiss Chard; Spinach; Turnip


Bush beans; Peas; Beets; Pumpkins; Turnips; Radishes; Brussel sprouts; Cabbage; Carrots; Shallots/green onions; Tomatoes

Exotic produce:

Rouge Vif D’ Etampes Pumpkin

Scarlet Kale

Thousandhead Kale

Dazzling Blue Kale

De 18 Jours Radish

Helios Radish

Wasabi Arugula

Forellenschluss Lettuce

Lunix Lettuce

What are the veggies/fruits that will be available for the spring 2023 season?

Stay tuned!

We will announce the spring and summer 2023 planned crops sometime this fall.

What are the veggies/fruits that will be available for the summer 2023 season?

Stay tuned!

We will announce the spring and summer 2023 planned crops sometime this fall.

Can I wash my produce or eggs before I go home?


We have a produce wash station with running cold water for you to clean up your harvest (and hands).

We do suggest not washing eggs, as it removes the bloom (a coating on the egg that comes from the hen) which protects and preserves them.

Can we share our harvest? Can we bring friends or relatives?


We ask that at least one adult member of your family be present.  We offer a 1 For 1 program – for each member of your family you may bring 1 guest.  Please note that your total harvest amount remains the same.

We are also happy to harvest your share for you for $15 and help you coordinate delivery with another family in your area.

If I miss my visit, can I credit my visit to another weekend, month or season?

Members may credit a missed weekend to another weekend that same month.

Members may not credit a missed weekend to a future month, or to a future season.

Full share members that are entitled to 4 weekends per month may ask for a prorated refund.  Limit 2 prorated refunds for full share members per year, and 1 per season.  If you are missing your weekend more often than that, we suggest downgrading to a smaller share.

Can I decrease or increase my visits or harvest?

Yes.  We will either provide a prorated refund or invoice you.  Please contact us to make arrangements.  You may only change your membership once per year.

What events and experiences will you offer?

We will be offering our regular farm and animal educational experiences.  Please see our Activities page for those details.

In addition we will offer special classes and events just for members.  Watch our newsletter for announcements and check the calendar for dates.

How much can we pick? How often? Are the amounts/types guaranteed?

Depending upon which membership plan you selected, you may harvest once, twice or four times per month.  For example, if you chose the plan that provides one weekend per month, then you may make one harvest sometime between Friday afternoon and Sunday evening of that weekend.  If you chose the plan with four weekends per month, then every weekend during the month, you may make one harvest between Friday afternoon and Sunday evening.

You may not harvest on multiple days in a single weekend, or harvest multiple times in one day.

Quantities are intended to be a sampler of unique food items that supplement and add variety to your regular food purchases, rather than providing all your produce for the week or month.

The estimated retail value of each harvest is roughly $20-$30, and the price will be lower than or equal to the organic produce at the grocery store.  Generally you will take home at least one full shopping bag or 4 quarts with each harvest, or a combination of the two.  We will provide reuseable and returnable quart containers and bags and ask that you not fill additional containers or bags. The number of bags and containers will vary each month, depending upon what is in season.  For example, salad greens are typically bagged but tomatoes are put in quart containers.  We do not weigh your items.

We encourage you to taste test and sample while you harvest – that is part of the fun.  Please be considerate of the other families and do not overindulge, or pick and discard items.

Disclaimer: As a Family Farm Member, you recognize that due to the inherent risks of farming, there are no guarantees on the exact amount of farm products you will receive due to weather extremes, insects, and/or other production factors.  Also due to the inherent risks of farming, we cannot guarantee access to a particular animal or experience.  You are willing to share the risks of farming and reap the benefits along with us, the farmers. We do guarantee prorated no-questions-asked refunds.  We ask our Members for your understanding of farm up-and-downs and encourage you to be patient with the unpredictability of animals and plants.  Thank you for your understanding, and support of our local farm!  

Can we volunteer?

YES!  Yes, yes yes!

We cannot emphasize this enough.  We WANT you to come, work alongside us, learn about farming and get to know the team and other members, become part of our farm family.

This is the BEST part of becoming a CSA member.

If you would like to come help out, please contact us and set up a time.

Will we be able to purchase extras beyond our allocated amounts?


Our first priority will always be making sure that our farm members each get their full promised amount.  Depending upon how many members we expect that day, and what is ready to harvest, there may be additional produce or eggs available for sale in our self-serve farm stand.

Do you have honey from your farm?

Not at this time.

(Are you interested in becoming a bee keeper?  If yes, please get in touch, as we would love to incubate a small bee business here on the farm.)

Do you have goat milk? Cow's milk? Milk products?

Not at this time.

We do not have milk or milk products for sale at this time.  We do however allow members to volunteer to help us milk goats, and you are welcome to take home a sample for your pets.

Are your chicken and duck eggs organic? Humane? Free range? How many do we get?

We think our chicken and duck eggs are better than organic!

While we are not an organic certified farm, all our poultry forage for their meals, either free range or in roomy mobile enclosures, and we raise their supplemental feed right here on the farm.

We encourage you to help us gather eggs, and may send you home with a sample.  At this time, while our flock is growing and because egg laying is seasonal (our hens take a break in winter), we do not guarantee any amount of eggs for Farm Members.  We may occasionally have eggs for sale in the farm stand.

We are also happy to get you started with a flock of your own at home – ask us how.

What activities can we enjoy with the animals?

All our CSA members have free admission to any booked animal or farm tour.

In addition, our CSA members have exclusive access to visit the animals at their pens during the day.

Please see our Activities page and calendar for available organized activities.

Can we ride the horses?

Horsemanship lessons and horseback riding are not currently included in the Family Farm Membership CSA package.

We do offer horsemanship in partnership with East West Equestrian Arts (based at the farm) for an additional fee.  Please see the website for details.

Can we picnic at the farm? Can we camp?

We have 2 designated furnished picnic areas just for our CSA members plus safe zones where you can put down a blanket anywhere your family chooses.

We do not currently allow camping but hope to offer a fully-furnished glamping site for CSA members only in 2023.  Watch our newsletter for announcements.

What is provided in the picnic areas?

We have 2 picnic areas, available by reservation for Farm Members only, first come first serve.

Both areas have a tent for private family time or napping children.  We provide nap mats or cots, disinfectant spray and hand sanitizer.  Please bring your own nap bedding.

Picnic areas have lawn chairs or folding camp chairs.

Picnic areas have a fire ring, fire wood, a grill grate to place on top, and basic grill tools – tongs, spatula, skewers.

Picnic areas have either a propane grill or a charcoal grill, in addition to the fire ring.

Both picnics areas have a low fence to slow down escaping children.  These are not certified child-proof fences, they just buy you time to get out of your chair and sprint after the little ones.

Both picnic areas have a small solar wash station with sun-warmed water for washing up.  We provide hand sanitizer, paper towels, and farm-safe hand soap.

Both picnic areas have a drinking water dispenser.

The bathroom for both picnic areas is the portable toilet located at the red barn where you signed in.

Do you have wifi available?

We do not currently have wifi available, but we are working on a solution.

Do you have emergency services nearby?

There is an emergency care center in Shrewsbury a few minutes from the farm.

Are pets allowed? Emotional support animals? Service animals?

Pets are not allowed on the farm, nor are emotional support animals.  Please do not leave your animals in or near your car.

Documented service animals that meet the legal ADA definition of a service animal are allowed.  We ask that you please notify us in advance if you are bringing a service animal, as we have dogs guarding our livestock,  working farm dogs on duty, and easily-frightened animals.  We will gladly make special arrangements to accommodate your ADA service animal.

Can my family play or wade or swim in the stream or pond?

Please do not enter the streams or pond.  These are delicate spring-fed waterways that provide our household drinking water, water our animals, support local wildlife and then flow downstream for our neighbors.  Help us keep them clean.

Are you ADA accessible?

We are working on making some areas of the farm ADA accessible.  Please ask us for details.

We welcome suggestions on how to make changes to make the farm more accessible for everyone.

Is smoking or alcohol allowed? Are there any clothing requirements? Is music ok?

Smoking is allowed at or in your car, or in the picnic areas.

Alcohol is not allowed.

We are family-friendly.  No bathing suits.  Shoes must be worn at all times for safety and we encourage you to avoid sandals and flip flops for safety around the animals.

Music is allowed in picnic areas as long as the music cannot be heard outside the area.

How long have you been farming? Gardening? Working with the public?

We have been working in the family personal gardens for 40+ years.  Carrie’s family also had a 200 acre hobby farm in eastern Maryland.  Carrie’s father was raised on a farm and always had a greenhouse and family garden, and her paternal grandfather was an agriculture professor in Indiana.  Carrie studied soils and crop science in college as part of her horse production minor.

Khalil has studied permaculture and biointensive gardening for a number of years, and applied his studies on his family’s farm in Missouri.

2022 is our first season developing an ADA-accessible garden and applying biointensive and intercropping principles on a large scale.

We began hosting the public in 2018, although Carrie has been teaching and working with the public off site for 35 years.

Is everything you sell produced on your farm?


If at any time in the future we offer farm products that are produced locally off our farm, we would notify the members in advance and clearly label the items.

How many members do you have?

Fall of 2022 is our membership launch.  Our goal is 10 families for the fall 2022 season.  We will update the website with a membership count as often as possible.  Please feel free to ask us for details.

I would like to speak to current members before committing. Can you provide references?

2022 is our first season of family farm memberships.  We are happy to provide references from families that have been involved with our farm for at least a year through our other membership programs or as regular visitors.  You are also welcome to come out for our free orientation tour Saturdays at 10am or Sundays at 3pm.  Please schedule your free tour in advance by phone 717-759-4242 or email .