The Green Pharmacy by James A. Duke, Ph.D. – book review

I just finished reading The Green Pharmacy by James A. Duke, Ph.D.  I received this paperback a couple years back (at least) and only now dusted it off and gave it a read.
What a gem!
It received excellent reviews from Jean Carper, author of Miracles Cures, and Dr. Andrew Weil, among others.
What impressed me most was the solid science behind the suggestions. Dr. Duke depends heavily on his own 30 years of research and experience with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and brings in science from Europe’s Commission E.
His alphabetical listing of diseases is very complete, and his ranking of herbs by predicted effectiveness easy to follow. He also offers an excellent section of basic terminology and preparation tips.

I highly recommend this book!

I’m also looking forward to exploring his books The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook and The Green Pharmacy:  New Discoveries In Herbal Remedies


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