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Easy Home Permaculture - No money, No Muscle, No Worries - Barakah Heritage Farm

Easy Home Permaculture – No money, No Muscle, No Worries

This entry is part [part not set] of 7 in the series Best Intro to Permaculture Books

The easiest way to get something done is get someone to do it for you. Have you ever wanted to grow your own tasty fruit and vegetables but it all seemed too hard or costly? Learn how to marshall armies of worms, microbes and chickens to do the hard work while you put your feet…;

CreateSpace Independent Publishing PlatformPrice: $9.99 Free Shipping

The easiest way to get something done is get someone to do it for you. Have you ever wanted to grow your own tasty fruit and vegetables but it all seemed too hard or costly? Learn how to marshall armies of worms, microbes and chickens to do the hard work while you put your feet up. Learn how to use waste such as charcoal, weeds, manure and urine and many common household products to garden cheaply and organically. This easy to read book shows you the quick, easy and time effective ways to achieve your dream and overcome any obstacle from poor health to poor soil using chickens, worms, mulches and clever tips. Soon you will be eating your own yummy fresh food without the aching back or the empty purse.

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