Editor’s note: This is a summary of the article “Agriculture Is Being Left In The Digital Dust”, authored by Steve Cubbage, president of Record Harvest, and contributing writer to Farm Journal Ag Tech, published March 27, 2018. Read it here.
Agriculture is one of the largest industries, yet it has the least amount of accessible data.
Over the past two decades, agriculture has seen major advancements in big data, self-driving tractors and combine yield monitor technology. However, according to the McKinsey Global Institute’s Digitization Index, agriculture currently is in single digits for realizing the digital potential in the U.S. economy.
Cubbage explores the index research and questions why, agriculture, with it’s focus on precision agriculture ended up in the “rear view mirror” regarding digital data. The good news is that agriculture has a lot of potential to grow. But who will drive the change?
You can read the full article here.
What do YOU think?
How do you plan to collect digital data in your operation? How will it affect how you run your business?
Agriculture in the Digital Age: Digital Assets. Digital Usage. Digital Workers. was originally published in The Dirt on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.