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Fungi Are the Missing Permaculture Function - Barakah Heritage Farm

Fungi Are the Missing Permaculture Function

Peter McCoy explores some of the cutting edge ideas that mycologists and permaculturalists are taking to stack a fungal function into every zone and aspect of resilient design.

See hundreds of presentations like this in the Voices Vault member area – http://bit.ly/2exM020

In depth podcast episodes with Peter:

The Rise of the Mushroom – A Look at the Future of the “Artificial” Intelligence of Fungi – Exploring Fungi’s Roles in Pollution Remediation, Medicine, and Soils with Peter McCoy: http://bit.ly/2gu5O3g

Radical Mycology with Peter McCoy: http://bit.ly/2eyWWfA

Ask Peter Episodes: http://bit.ly/2gBaMyU

More on the presentation:

We have heard about the potential for integrating mushrooms and other fungi into permaculture design, but what would a complete integration of the fungal kingdom in our systems actually look like?

From efficiently utilizing waste streams, to feeding livestock, to supporting nursery stocks and adding another layer to food forests all while producing high quality whole foods and potent natural medicine, the fungi offer incredible solutions to some of the remaining gaps in permaculture design.

This presentation will provide both existing examples as well as theoretical models that the crowd will be encouraged to help refine as we create new possibilities for this exciting and growing field.

This presentation was recorded live at PV2 in March 2015.

See hundreds of presentations like this in the Voices Vault member area – http://bit.ly/2exM020

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