Barakah Heritage Farm
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This entry is part [part not set] of 18 in the series Best Personal Memoir Books

For anyone who has just moved to the country, or for those just thinking about making a move to the country, the material and pictures in this book will help ease the transition from city to country living.A wide range of helpful ideas about animal care, gardening, rural home maintenance, do-it yourself construction, and other…;

For anyone who has just moved to the country, or for those just thinking about making a move to the country, the material and pictures in this book will help ease the transition from city to country living.
A wide range of helpful ideas about animal care, gardening, rural home maintenance, do-it yourself construction, and other helpful projects will make a move to the country easier and more pleasant.
There’s no reason to learn all of country living’s lessons on your own- learn from a former urbanite who became a country resident a long time ago- and lived to tell about it.

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Series NavigationWinds of Skilak: A Tale of True Grit, True Love and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness >>

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